The Royal Raven
First published:
Writter and Copyright:
Hans Wilhelm
The egg popped open and out came Crawford.
Even if it cries, nobody comes.
Then came an even bigger disappointment.
Crawford saw that he was a boring- looking raven, like all the others.
Deep in his heart he felt he was special.
Although I wanted me to notice, I did not have you notice, but it became sad.
Other birds were seen.
Then, it was disappointed at it.
Every time he caught sign of his ordinary raven's feathers, he wished he looked different.
It was going to carry out something thoroughly.
Every day Crawford came up with another idea to improve his appearance.
But it was no use.
Nothing seemed to be just right.
When it flew away in woods, he met the old woman with special power.
Crawford disguised himself wonderfully.
It was a shining figure. And in appreciation of her, it returned and went to the friend's place.
While Crawford showed everybody the shining figure, he arrived at a king's castle.
Then, it was found by the princess and Crawford has been caught.
Proudly the princess showed off her new treasure.
Crawford didn't mind in the least.
After all, he was now part of the royal family.
Unfortunately, the royal raven's table manners left much to be desired.
He lost a great deal of his popularity when he caused a major ruckus in the royal dining room.
He was ordered out.
Taking advantage of it, as for the king, the bird has become disagreeable.
Crawford was banished to a huge golden cage that stood all alone in the royal garden.
Servants brought him food, but hardly anyone came to see him anymore.
I was not glad although those whom a passage cuts were told that it was beautiful.
Moreover, since freedom was lost, energy was lost.
One day an old woman came to the garden selling strawberries.
Crawford was hearing the old woman's conversation for a while.
Suddenly Crawford understood what he had to do to gain back his freedom.
Crawford began to extract feather.
Then, besides it shouted, the princess who looked at it missed, therefore it was missed and Crawford became free.
Although feather felt it amusing while flying, it was not going to care at all.
We become a feeling of wanting everybody to feel existence of one.
It thinks that that he is alive shows others.
Also when showing, there are many those who would like to be dressed up and to show themselves.
However, I thought it the most important to show myself after all.
I think that it can make a living honestly by showing an undisguised self without straining itself.
Hi Apple,
返信削除Again you put so much effort into writing much content into your report, but you didn't have to re-tell the whole story.
Your comment style is good, but you have to be more careful of translation. Sometimes the words you translate from Japanese to English are very strange.